This is a free podcast series that can be accessed at anytime, at your pace, when you are ready and inspired. It's a four-part podcast workshop focusing on why we write, how to create a disciplines, how to discover what you want to write, and committing to the creative life.

The podcast workshop consists of four parts.
1. Why you write and why you should. Available: 1/15/23
2. Beginning a writing practice. Available: 2/1/23
3.Discovering what you want to write. Available: 2/15/23
4.Committing to the creative life. Available: 3/1/23
Try one or both of these.
Finish the Story: Use the following as a prompt and write the rest of this story. It was then that she realized the truth.
Firsts: Write about your first time at something. It can be a first kiss, first birthday, first fight, first day of school or work, whatever 'first' interests you most.
Exercises for Part 1
Exercises for Part 2
Write in a journal: Write a haiku, a poem, a stretch of short dialogue, a piece of flash fiction—anything on a regular basis to find a "pattern" of practice, Think of it as a daily (or at least consistent) discipline.
Read: You've heard it many times: You can't be a good writer without being a reader. But try reading outside your comfort zone. Read poetry if you're not a poetry reader. Read a mystery if you would rather read literary fiction. It helps to stretch your writing muscles.
On a blank sheet of paper write the word: LOVE. Only that word. Now, take a breath, and start writing whatever comes into your mind. DO NOT pause. DO NOT lift your fingers from the keyboard or the pen from the paper. Just keep writing. Try your best not to stop and think, only write. This will help you find flow and discover what is inside.
Write a free verse poem. The only rule is eight lines. Free verse means no particular structure or form. Rhyming is not necessary. Just write. What did you discover? What was your theme, topic? This may help you begin to find your voice.
Exercises for Part 3
Exercises for Part 4
Establish a routine. When and where, and how much time.
Discover your optimum time of day. Are you a morning writer? A night writer?
Find a writing space. Make a spot in your home, find a ravorite pub or cafe. Make it your own.
Podcast Host
David W. Berner has been teaching writing and storytelling in many forms for more an 20 years. He believes writing is a way of life and can help you meet your goals for your creative life.
David W. Berner